Mike Carroll Dedicates Irvine Location Where "Speed of Light" Was Measured

IRVINE, California - Today, Mike Carroll, Councilmember, City of Irvine, dedicated a historical marker on the Irvine site where the Speed of Light was discovered. In 1931, Dr. Albert Einstein visited Dr. Michelson in Irvine.
"Did you know that Michelson's experiment helped pave the way for the "c" in Einstein's famous equation E=mc²?" said Mike Carroll, Councilmember, City of Irvine. "On behalf of the City of Irvine, I dedicate the new Michelson historical marker, in honor of renowned physicist Dr. Albert Michelson and his speed of light experiment. By bouncing light beams between mirrors at each end of the mile-long steel tube, he measured the time it took for light to travel a known distance."
The historical marker was the result of a partnership between the City of Irvine, community volunteer Virginia Webber, UCI Physics Professor Roger McWilliams, property owner Emmes Realty, and local historians.
You can visit the new historical marker, which is located at 1920 Main Street, Irvine.

Orange County Business Council Endorses Mike Carroll Again

IRVINE, California - Today, Mike Carroll, Councilmember, City of Irvine, was endorsed by the Orange County Business Council (OCBC) BIZPAC. They announced their endorsement of Councilmember Mike Carroll for his Re-Election to the Irvine City Council with an official statement. Carroll is running for Re-Election to the Irvine City Council in the November 5th General Election.
"BIZPAC is proud to announce our endorsement of Mike Carroll for Irvine City Council," said Amanda Walsh, Orange County Business Council’s Vice President of Government Affairs. "Mike is a pro-business candidate who truly understands the importance of economic vitality, realistic housing goals, reliable infrastructure, and workforce development. His ability to collaborate with both sides of the aisle to find comprehensive and attainable solutions sets him apart. Mike’s pragmatic approach and dedication to fostering a thriving business environment make him the ideal candidate to lead Irvine towards a prosperous future."
"I'm truly honored to again have the support of the Orange County Business Council BIZPAC," said Carroll. "Irvine is the backbone of the economic powerhouse that is Orange County and OCBC is an important part of our business community. We're proud to work with OCBC to keep Irvine moving forward in the areas of innovation and job growth."
Great Park Chairman Mike Carroll Launches Cultural Terrace
IRVINE, California - Today, Mike Carroll, Councilmember, City of Irvine, and Chairman of the Great Park, kicked off the development of the Cultural Terrance at the Great Park. The Cultural Terrace is a 45-acre parcel which will be home to the Pretend City Children’s Museum, a new facility for Orange County Music and Dance, the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum and a first-of-its-kind in Orange County Asian American history museum.
You can watch the event here:
Mike Carroll Speaks at Salerno Apartments Groundbreaking
IRVINE, California - Today, Mike Carroll, Councilmember, City of Irvine, gave an interview at the groundbreaking of Salereno Apartments, an 80-unit affordable multifamily project consisting of one-, two- and three-bedroom units for those earning up to 80 percent, and as low as 30 percent of area median income, including 15 units for veterans, 10 units for individuals with developmental disabilities and 10 units for extremely low-income families at risk of homelessness.
You can watch the event here:
Irvine Councilmember Mike Carroll Commemorates Historic Site
An important piece of California history that was likely destroyed during the creation of the 405 Freeway in Irvine may finally be commemorated with a plaque after being on the state’s historic register for more than eight decades.
“I’m very excited to help honor this important marker in the city, given our recent growth and place among the largest and great cities of our state,” said Irvine Councilmember Mike Carroll, who proposed the item along with Councilman Anthony Kuo. “To commemorate a very important part of our state’s history and our local history here in Irvine, it’s an honor to be able to support this.” The Irvine City Council voted this week in favor of installing a marker at Barton Mound, the famed site where L.A. County Sheriff James Barton and three of his men were shot to death in 1857 by outlaw Juan Flores and his gang.
After Barton and his men were killed, locals organized a posse of at least 120 to bring Flores to justice. Flores escaped capture several times, including leaping over a 200-foot drop between Modjeska and Harding canyons in Orange County. He was finally captured, and on February 14, 1857, Flores was hanged after a group of residents in Los Angeles voted for his execution.
$2 Million Donation Presented To Irvine IUSD Board President Betty Carroll
Irvine Unified School District recently received a $2 million from the Irvine Company for its Excellence in Education Enrichment program.
“This is truly a unique partnership,” Irvine Unified School Board President Betty Carroll said of the company’s 20-year commitment to the district. “This puts children first and continues to support a bright future for IUSD students.”
In 2006, Irvine Company began partnering with IUSD to fill a funding gap in providing art, music and science teachers to every fourth through sixth grader in the district.
The program has helped provide nearly 100,000 elementary students with classes usually available only to secondary students.
Instruction includes two one-hour science lessons per week, two 40-minute music lessons per week, and six one-hour art lessons per year – all taught by highly specialized instructors.
As a result, IUSD students outperform their peers in California – and the nation – in many of these subjects.
In 2019 Advanced Placement tests, IUSD students surpassed other California students in chemistry by 33%; in music theory by 24%; and in studio art drawing by 30%.
“The Irvine Company’s donation has enabled IUSD to preserve and increase opportunities in subjects that are critical for success in college and career,” Superintendent Terry Walker said.
Irvine Unified IUSD Board Selects New President Betty Carroll
During the December 17, 2019 Irvine Unified School District Board of Education Meeting, the Board selected a new president and clerk, which are one-year terms. The Board unanimously selected IUSD’s first Latina Board President, Betty Carroll. Paul Bokota was selected to serve as Clerk of the Board.
Board Members and District officials thanked Lauren Brooks for her service as Board President since December 2018. “Thank you for your service as Board President this past year,” said Betty Carroll during the exchanging of the gavel.
In addition to being the final session of 2019, Tuesday marked the annual organizational meeting for the five-member board, which approved school site liaison assignments, determined Board Member committee participation, appointed representatives to various District committees and established meeting dates through December 2020. The next regularly scheduled Board Meeting is January 14.
Crime Survivors PAC Endorses Mike Carroll for Irvine City Council
IRVINE, California - Today, Mike Carroll announced that he has earned the support and endorsement of Crime Survivors PAC. Carroll is running for Irvine City Council in the November 3rd General Election.
Patricia Wenskunas, Chair of Crime Survivors PAC, issued a strong statement endorsing Carroll: "Current Vice Mayor of Irvine Mike Carroll is a determined and sharp-witted public servant who will fight for the continued safety of Irvine families and residents upon re-election. Carroll has made it very clear to me that he would not support cutting funding for his city’s Police Department or the overall budget for Public Safety which are the key elements in maintaining Irvine’s incredible accomplishment of being the safest city in America. I trust Mike Carroll as a great fit for Irvine City Council, especially considering his past leadership and recent endorsement by the Irvine Police Association! If you value public safety and crime reduction, vote for Mike Carroll for Irvine City Council."
"I’m so grateful for the endorsement of Crime Survivors PAC," said Carroll. "I look forward to working closely with Crime Survivors to promote the importance of public safety in our community help the victims of crime.”
State Senator John Moorlach Endorses Mike Carroll for Irvine City Council
IRVINE, California - Today, Mike Carroll announced that he has earned the support and endorsement of Senator John M.W. Moorlach, the City of Irvine's representative in the California State Senate. Carroll is running for Irvine City Council in the November 3rd General Election.
Senator Moorlach issued a strong endorsement of Carroll: “We need strong local leaders who can intelligently and effectively address the COVID-19 pandemic and put us on the path of financial and economic recovery. Mike Carroll provides this critical stability and he has a real record of results as Vice Mayor. I need a proven leader like Mike working with me, and he has delivered in ensuring that Irvine continues to be a wonderful and well-run City.”
"I’m so grateful for the leadership Senator Moorlach has offered to Irvine in the State Senate," said Carroll. "And I am particularly humbled to have earned the endorsement of a true public servant like John. He's been a trusted leader for many years, locally in Orange County and now Statewide.”
Orange County Business Council BIZPAC Endorses Mike Carroll

IRVINE, California - Today, the Orange County Business Council (OCBC) BIZPAC announced their support of Vice Mayor Mike Carroll for Irvine City Council. Carroll is running for Irvine City Council in the November 3rd General Election.
“Mike Carroll has been an important voice for thoughtful, balanced development and support of Orange County businesses,” said Lucy Dunn, Orange County Business Council President and Chief Executive Officer and Trustee of the UCI Foundation.
"I'm honored to have the support of the Orange County Business Council BIZPAC," said Carroll. "With a strong and diverse business community with companies large and small, Irvine is the backbone of the economic powerhouse that is Orange County. We're proud of the City partnerships we've fostered with job creators to keep Irvine moving forward."